Friday, September 15, 2006


So the only time I have to actually keep up with the blog is 2:43 am, after I arrive home drunk on a thursday night. Well, that will probably dictate the craptastic quality of this post.

Anyway, an update on what's been happening with me (this is what I promised I wouldn't do at the beginning of this blog)...
School started back up, the final year of my schooling EVER! I can't tell you how awesome that thought is. But I have 4 straight days of nut kicking, with 2-3 days of binge drinking to follow. Most people would call that a good balance between work and play. I would rather the ratio be much more in favor of the latter than the former. The best part about tonight, for instance, puking up a mixture of beer and buffalo wings...nothing feels better on the cilia in your nose than some beer and hot sauce...i call it botsauce. Anyway, it's like 2:51 now, i'm gonna go shave and go to bed.

Why am I gonna shave? I haven't shaved for a week and a half, and what else would I do at 2:51 in the am? Obviously!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've only got one possible reply, and it's ever so appropriate, given your title to this post.


1:50 AM  

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