Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Being that guy

What sucks about being friends with a lot of the people you used to work with is that you sort of have to go back to work to see them.

I've been in this situation for the past year. I need to make it crystal clear that I hated that company and I still do hate it. However, I've been back inside the office probably 4 times since I quit a year ago, and I officially feel pathetic everytime the president walks by and sees me. I don't even live in this city anymore, but I'm sure it seems that I do nothing but hang outside of the office waiting for an excuse to come in.

So, with the internet community as my collective witness, I vow to NEVER step foot in that office again. So help me G-d, may I be kicked repeatedly in the baby maker by a pack of crazed wild boars anytime I consider stepping back into that place.

As far as the Murrayhill Company/Clayton Fixed Income services is concerned, Elvis has left the building!

That Guy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good riddens to you elvis. If you're not going to come in the office, maybe you could actually let us know when you'll be in town so we could get lunch, some drinks, maybe hit up the diamond. You know, see what happens. Did you hear the one about the catholic priest that made it to heaven?

5:41 PM  

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