Thursday, August 10, 2006


Some random thoughts...

-The 'office hot' phenomenon is your body's way of letting you know that you are very much not asexual. You may not dig her outside of work when compared to the rest of the population at large, but man is that lady sexy for a 55 yr old admin assistant...

-Should I feel like a prick when I tell the cashier to keep the penny after I pay $1 for a 99 cent drink? Am I doing him a favor by not letting him keep his penny? I'm a big deal, maybe this penny will help you become a big deal someday too! While we're on the subject of pennies, is there a more idiotic invention than the penny slot machine? Oooh oooh ooh! i got all 7s!!! Total payout; $2.43. Stupid.

-People should call the TV shows they watch "stories". This does not happen nearly enough, and makes for great dialogue. The beauty of Tivo is that I don't miss my stories anymore. See? It sounds better and is infinitely more fun to say in a southern accent. Baked goods in your mouth add to the effect.

-Football season is just around the corner, thank the sweet lord. Hopefully the broncos make it to the big show this year...Sorry, hopefully the broncos make it to the big STORY this year. My bad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

about pennies:
1. i always take that one penny back - the guy behind the counter is probably a jackjerk to the fullest - he doesnt deserve it

2. collecting the aformentioned pennies is useful for..
a. dropping off the empire state bldg...potentially killing people
b. filling up the useless glassware accumulated through college extracurricular activity dances
c. finding that glass full many years later, providing for enough for a Wendy's Combo #6.

3. the other day walking down 42nd street i saw a penny on the ground. "good luck" i said to myself..then i thought "i dont trust ny, its probably glued to the sidewalk with someones nasty gum remnants". i continued on my way to work. besides, when has anything good ever happened when you last picked up a coin?

11:04 AM  

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